10:00, 13:00, 16:00

Interactive Christmas tree
Riga Film Studio with the adventures of young pirates -
for children from 3 to 13 years!
Children are filming, parents are watching the big screen!

On December 19, the children's festival "Winter Joys in the Land of Mandarins" will take place for the third time. This time the festival takes place in Riga Film Studio - in the real cinema pavilion with real cinema filming!
What is it?
The project "Land of Mandarins" is a festival with a diverse, fun and interactive program for children from 3 to 13 years old, in which both children from Riga families and children from many Latvian and Riga boarding schools and orphanages participate.
The aim of the project is the integration of children into society, motivation for an active and healthy lifestyle, development of communication and mutual understanding between different social groups, promotion of mutual respect and tolerance, acquisition of new skills.
The project is implemented together with LBBF (Latvian Children's Orphan Foundation) and many volunteer supporters. Each event is attended by 300 children from social institutions and an equal number of children from affluent families. We believe that mutual understanding and the ability to accept each other will help children grow into good, responsible and positive people with an active life position.
Mandarin Land - it is an active and healthy recreation for children in a fabulous and joyful atmosphere!

Program of the event
Children spend the program in teams accompanied by animators. Teams are divided by age:
3 - 4 years
5 - 6 years
6 - 8 years
9-10 years
11-13 years
Each team is led by experienced animators and children's event leaders, while parents and educators are on the other side of the hall, where you can watch the children's adventures on the big screen, feast in a cafe or participate in nice workshops.
Following the story of the film's fairy tale, the children together with animators - team leaders inspect the pirate hideouts and find the mysterious map, fight monsters, save the Snow White, learn to sing and dance, and of course - overcome many obstacles and adventures together. The children's adventures in the filming area are filmed and broadcast live on the big screen, which parents can watch in the event hall.
During the event, each child is provided with a nice aquagram drawing with certified anti-allergic colors, a treat with mandarins and an individual photo with Salavec. After the event, a short film about the adventures of Mandarin sea pirates with the participation of all children is assembled. The video will be posted on the Mandarin Land website and will be a great memory for both children and parents.

For parents and teachers: recreation and free lectures on child development opportunities
During the event, parents can spend 2.5 hours relaxing here in the cafe, participating in interesting master classes specially prepared for mothers, while watching their children on the big screen!
During the event, parents can attend lectures on children's development opportunities free of charge.
- lecture "Fast memorization and attention development. How to help the child learn better?"
The lecture is led by: Irina Lando, Doctor of Science in Management, Director of the Lando Training Center.
Lecture times:
10:15 - 10:45
13:15 - 13:45
16:15 - 16:45
- lecture on the influence of color and space on the child's personality development.
The lecture is led by Inga Janovska, President and Lecturer of the Latvian Cigun and Fenshui Association, a psychologist.
Lecture times:
11:00 - 11:40
13:00 - 13:40
17:00 - 17:40
Parents can attend both lectures for free during the period according to the purchased event ticket. Lectures take place in the event room.
The festival takes place in the filming pavilion of Riga Film Studio No. 2
MANDATORY: for a child sports shoes (sneakers, boots, boots) and comfortable clothes for active games and activities!
Carnival costumes are eligible if they allow the child to move freely and actively participate in sports, dance classes and games
Please arrive 15-20 minutes before the start of the holiday to be able to change clothes without a hurry and bring them into the hall.
VIDEO 12/19/2015