The camp is attended by:
- only staff who have been tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA in the last 48 hours prior to the start of the camp and who have been re-tested once a week during the camp;
- only children who have been tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 virus RNA in the last 48 hours before the start of the camp and who are retested during the camp at 7-day intervals;
If a child or adult has the opportunity to confirm that they have had a Covid-19 infection or that the Covid-19 vaccination process has been completed, then testing before the camp is not necessary.
Camp organizers should stipulate that the event is organized only in their designated area (venue). There are no activities outside these areas unless the camp participants are the only visitors to the site.
Camp members and staff must use mouth and nose pads, except for children under the age of 7 and children in day camps within the same group.
The camp determines the person in charge and the procedure for action if a case of Covid-19 is detected among the camp participants or staff.
The number of children in a group cannot exceed 20 participants.
1) The presence of persons who have been subjected to self-isolation, home quarantine or strict isolation in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers Order no. 103 "On the declaration of a state of emergency" 4.12. subparagraph.
2) The presence of children and employees with signs of respiratory infectious diseases in the Camp is not allowed. Health screening of children and staff (temperature measurement, signs of respiratory disease: cough, runny nose, sore throat), performing visual observation, is provided by a person appointed by the Camp organizer on the first day of day camps. The health status of the camp participants is also monitored during the Camp.
3) If a child shows signs of acute respiratory infection (runny nose, cough, sore throat, fever, breathing problems) while in the Camp, the Camp:
- isolate the child in a separate room / place provided by the same adult who previously contacted the child;
- communicates with the child's parents, who arrive for the child IMMEDIATELY; parents contact their family doctor by phone;
- The child is given a face mask, which he uses when moving to the isolation room / place, if necessary to go to the shared toilet room, as well as leaving the Camp room / area when the parents arrive.
4) If signs of acute respiratory infection are detected in two or more children and a group disease is suspected, the Camp organizer shall act in accordance with the Camp's internal rules, isolate children, provide information by telephone to the epidemiologist of the relevant regional department of the Center for Disease Prevention and Control with the child's parents.
5) The presence of other persons not related to the Camp, including parents, is not allowed in the Camp, therefore visits to parents will unfortunately not be allowed this summer.
6) On the day of entry and departure, parents who take their children to the Camp themselves must follow the distance measures specified by the Camp Organizer, including a distance of 2 m from other persons.
7) We will tell the children about it at the Camp, but parents should also talk to the child before the Camp about the importance of personal hygiene and prevention measures, including teaching children how to wash their hands properly, following the recommendations published on the SPKC website.